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Net Nonoperating Expense Percent (NNEP)

Net Nonoperating Expense Percent (NNEP) is a financial metric that measures the percentage of a company's net income accounted for by non-operating expenses. Non-operating expenses include interest expenses, foreign currency exchange losses, and other gains or losses not directly related to the company's core business operations.

The formula for Net Nonoperating Expense Percent (NNEP) is as follows:

NNEP = (Net Nonoperating Expenses / Net Income) * 100

A higher NNEP percentage can indicate that a company is relying more heavily on non-operating activities to generate income, which may be cause for concern for investors. However, it is important to consider the company's specific industry and financial circumstances when interpreting this metric.

Additional Details

Metric Name Type Default Period Type
nnep fin_metric FY

Formatting Details

Data Format Display Format Unit
float perc percentage